Parish reflection guide

Step-by-step guide for group reflections this Jubilee.

Hold a parish discussion at a convenient time

The session should last between 1 – 1.5 hours with tea/coffee if there are facilities.

Structure for the discussion:

Create a quiet space to the start the session.  
Have a Bible centrally placed in the space with a candle lit.  

Suggested Opening Prayers:

God of Jubilees, 
We delight in the good things in our world and in our lives; 
give us the grace to take up our cross 
and continue your work here on earth. 
Empower us to work for justice for the poor, 
the oppressed, the hungry and the homeless. 
May we never ignore our neighbour’s needs or the cries of creation. 

God of Jubilee living, 
Why are we so quick to queue for the sales yet so slow to move our hearts?  
Why are we so prompt in turning the tap yet so sluggish in saving the water?  
Why is the light switch an instant decision yet helping the poor a long term vision?  
Why is the food we eat a matter of when and not if yet the hungry go starving before our checkouts? 

God in the midst of the weak and the strong, 
who cried as Christ in the stable bare, 
who stands with us in the shopping street, 
who comes to us in face of the poor, 
grant us grace:  
to love where love is yearned for, 
to know where knowledge is truth, 
to act where action is vital, 
all for the world in which you are.  

Step-by-step Guide

a) Leader/participant to read the Scripture quotation from a selection below out loud.   
b) The group reads the text in silence followed by quiet reflection for 5 minutes. 
c) Consider the questions below making sure everyone speaks if they wish. 
d) Reflect on the action points below in response to the issues raised. 
e) Agree a small, achievable goal, and when to meet next. 
f) Say together, the Our Father and the Closing reflection below.Â