Explore October's Sunday Reflections from the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time to the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Also in Sunday Reflections Year B
September: Year B > August: Year B > July: Year B > June: Year B > May: Year B > April: Year B > March: Year B > February: Year B > January: Year B > Advent and Christmas: Year B >God has always had a special relationship with us creatures of mingled matter and spirit, which places us at the same time higher and lower than his mighty angels.
As the word of God is active and powerfully working, what kind of effects should we expect from a prayerful reading of the Bible?
Pray on! Pray! And trust that God hears, welcomes, and answers every movement of your heart and soul in prayer.
We see that the gospels often go out of their way to ground the events they describe in real history. They are not abstract accounts.